
OCC is a community gathering of saints whose goal is to hold the gospel in our home town and around the world.

Oelrichs Community Church is a gospel centered body of believers given to the study and application of the Scriptures. We trust the Bible to regenerate the lost, bringing new birth and to sanctify the saints, transforming the believer to the likeness of Christ.

What can you expect?

You WILL NOT find a great deal of flashiness when you arrive on Sunday morning. We currently meet in the city community center, where you might find remnants of the renters from the night before.

You WILL NOT find a large crowd. We are a small group of believers who love the Lord, His Word, His people and the community in which we live. We have not been gathering for very long, and we are still trying to figure out how things will work in our context.

What you WILL FIND is a very warm welcome… we embrace any and all the Lord brings our way.

You WILL FIND that we love the Word of God. We affirm the Bible as our final authority and believe it is sufficient for all things that pertain to life and godliness.

You WILL FIND our pastor preaching and teaching the Bible and not his own personal opinions, views or philosophy.

You WILL FIND that we love each other. Our common bond is Jesus Christ who gave His life for us that we might be saved. His example and the regenerating work of His salvation compels us and empowers us to love one another in the same way.

Meet Our Pastor

Doug & Timi Burdette moved from Red Feather Lakes, Colorado to Oelrichs in 2019. They love being a part of the community and have involved themselves with much of the activities of town. 

MAYBE a brief background???

Maybe how the church came about???

A nice current picture would be nice.

What is the Gospel?

The word “gospel” literally means, “good news.” So the question, “What is the gospel?” requires a bit of context in order to answer. Take a moment to consider the gospel in the context of the scriptures and in light of your eternity.

First, the bad news.

The Bible makes no qualms about the fact that here is in fact, a God in heaven who is our creator and to whom we are accountable. That is not the bad news. The bad news is that in our condition as sinners, we are under His condemnation and will one day suffer the full wrath of God for all eternity. To make it worse, our sinfulness consists not only of thee deeds we do or don’t do. Our sinfulness is intrinsic to our very nature. That is, just as you were born with a particular ethnicity, so you were born with a sinful nature. And just as you cannot change your ethnicity inherited at your birth, no more can you change your sinfulness inherited in the same way. Man’s religion or moral impulses might attempt to offer rituals or procedures to rid oneself of sin, but it is all to no avail. We were all born in sin, and therefore, we were all born under condemnation. [Note: Consider reading Genesis 3; Romans 3:1-18, 23; 6:23; Ephesains 2:1-10; John 3:1-8]

The only remedy for our sin and condemnation would be for someone outside of our selves, who was without sin and who would be willing to bear our sin before God’s throne and face His wrath on our behalf. That is, the remedy for our sin and condemnation would be for someone to come and settle the charge against us by paying the penalty in full. 

THIS then, is the good news of God.

Jesus, the incarnate God, the one against whom we have sinned, left His throne in glory and took upon Himself the likeness of a man and entered into this world. He did so in order to live in perfect righteousness, thus offering a perfect sacrifice, His own life as a sacrifice for our sins. So the God and creator against whom we have sinned, entered into this world, taking on flesh in order to deliver us who sin against Him. [Consider reading Ephesians 2:1-10; 2 Corinthians 5:17-19; Romans 5:12-21]

How then, are we to respond to this good news… this gospel?

We respond by humility and faith. Humility, in that we stand in awe of what God has provided through Jesus Christ. Faith, in that we take God at His Word, that the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is sufficient to render you to be forgiven of your sin and cleansed, being made righteous before God. By faith, you accept a right standing before God based upon the merits and worth of another, that being Jesus Christ.

There is no formula or ritual to follow in order to be saved. It is by the simple act of believing what God has said and resting in its truth. If the Lord is speaking to you now through His Word, simply turn to Him in faith and recieve what He has provided through Jesus Christ. 

If you have just now been brought to faith in Christ, please allow us to rejoice with you and to further minister to you. Drop us a note or better yet, give us a call and tell us about it.


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