What can you expect?

You WILL NOT find a great deal of flashiness when you arrive on Sunday morning. We currently meet in the city community center, where you might find remnants of the renters from the night before.

You WILL NOT find a large crowd. We are a small group of believers who love the Lord, His Word, His people and the community in which we live. We have not been gathering for very long, and we are still trying to figure out how things will work in our context.

What you WILL FIND is a very warm welcome… we embrace any and all the Lord brings our way.

You WILL FIND that we love the Word of God. We affirm the Bible as our final authority and believe it is sufficient for all things that pertain to life and godliness.

You WILL FIND our pastor preaching and teaching the Bible and not his own personal opinions, views or philosophy.

You WILL FIND that we love each other. Our common bond is Jesus Christ who gave His life for us that we might be saved. His example and the regenerating work of His salvation compels us and empowers us to love one another in the same way.